When we decided to set up our web or blog online, the first question that arises is Where can we buy and register cheap domains? Which domain registrar offers the best control panel? Discounts on renovations? Security? Support

What kind of domain to buy to put your website onlineWHERE CAN WE BUY AND REGISTER CHEAP DOMAINS?

The first thing we have to be clear is what type of domain we are going to buy: .com? .is? .org? .one? .Blog?

The general rule is as follows: Buying .com is the most recognized type of domain worldwide.

Are we going to set up a business in Spain? Logically, it is also necessary to register the regional domain.

Do we have an organization? Well, the same name says it: register the domain .org

Breaking a myth: The .info domains are not well seen by Google. Yes, you notice, there are many important pages that are not having problems to correctly position this type of domain.

New domain extensions? .one? .Blog? eye! Its price is usually more expensive than the usual extensions. The initial purchase may be cheap, but renovations tend to be more expensive. By cons, there is more chance that the domain name you want is free.

But let’s not go crazy, and if we want to start, let’s start by simply buying the .com domain and then we’ll see.


Now that we have this important point in mind – What domain name register?

Yes we already have the name though, perfect, if we do not have it, we will have to look for a breakthrough domain name that sounds good, and we will have to keep in mind that with the latest updates of the Google algorithm, the search engine gives less weight to that in the name of the dominion they appear the keywords that we want to position … So finally we can choose a name molón that does not have any type of meaning.

How to know if the domain is available

Simple. Just go to the provider company of domains that you choose and put the name of the web domain that you want to buy. If for example, you choose Namecheap (recommended), you can go directly to the domain search page.

Is it worth getting a free domain?

DO NOT. It’s not worth it, really. Many hosting providers give you the option to give you a free domain if you buy the hosting plan with them, but this is not the best option as I explain in the next point.

The domains are not so expensive at this time to go depending on the goodwill of some companies. If your project on the internet is serious, 9-10 euros a year is not an excessive expense for a good domain.

Tip: never buy the domain and hosting in the same company

IMPORTANT! Never buy the domain name and web hosting in the same company. If something goes wrong you have a big problem.

It is better to do it separately. In addition, the famous companies for giving good domain management services, do not usually give such a good hosting service.

It is not excessively important to choose a hosting service in the country where you live, for example, Spain. You are only interested in buying a hosting in your country of residence if you have difficulties with English or you want a support in Spanish.

The latency for hosting your website on a server abroad is getting smaller every time, and if you then install a CDN service like the one Cloudflare can provide (free), you will not have to worry about where your server is physical.

What is the best place to buy and register cheap domains online?

Until recently I recommended Godaddy. They are still very good, but when it comes to renewing your domains, the price offered is not as good as in other registrars. They are still the best discount coupons offer and offers to buy new domains, but in the long run, you do not get profitable. Right now, the best company to buy cheap (long-term) domains are Namecheap, and Gandi follows closely behind.

First best option to reserve web domains: NamecheapWHERE CAN WE BUY AND REGISTER CHEAP DOMAINS?

Voucher. Namecheap may not have the best discount coupons to register domains, but the prices of renewals are much better than those of GoDaddy:

Renewing a .com domain costs 15.99 euros + tax, remaining at 19.52 euros for one year of renewal.

Namecheap prices for renovations are cheaper:

Renewing a .com domain for one year costs 9.17 euros.

The difference is abysmal. As much as you save in the initial purchase of the domain, in the end, it does not compensate.

The process of buying and renewing domains is really simple and they allow you to pay by credit card or with PayPal, which is very convenient. During the first year they offer free WhoisGuard service, but then you have to pay. I do not recommend taking this type of services because if you have a problem with the domain, it is more complicated to prove that you are the owner.

Its interface is clearer and cleaner than Godaddy’s:

And it has something very important. Authentication through 2 factors to protect your account. It can be activated by text message to your mobile or through an app. The second option is better.

You can manage your DNS with them and add things like DNSSEC. The best thing is that the DNS management is done by your hosting company or that you sign up for a service such as Cloudflare.

To get in touch with customer service you will have to put a ticket or start a chat. They do not have a telephone in Spanish to contact the technical service (something that does have Godaddy).

Second best option to register your domain: Gandi

One of the oldest domain registrars in the area is Gandi and they have just received a good facelift on their interface. This means that they are quite reliable, right? If you do not want to complicate the purchase process as in Godaddy (they want to add many things before checking out), Gandi is your company.

Gandi offers the largest list of domain extensions in the world, with more than 700 options. Surely you find the one you need.

Prices? Of the most competitive. , from $ 0.50, but you can also find los.com at $ 15. The good thing about everything is that they make clear the price of new domains and renewals.

All domains come with WHOIS protection, so your privacy is safe. They have LiveDNS and SSL certificates totally free. They have security with 2 factors and its interface in its latest version is modern and simple to use. They include email accounts.

You can only put one hit: your customer service is done only by e-mail. They do not have a telephone or a chat.

Third best option to buy domains: GodaddyWHERE CAN WE BUY AND REGISTER CHEAP DOMAINS?

Personally, I had always used this domain registrar, the largest in the world. It has a very intuitive control panel and allows you to change without problems the main parameters of the domain such as name servers or hostname, web page and telephone support is in Spanish.

For a few months, you can even activate the verification in 2 steps to protect your account. I do not even want to think that someone gets access to your domain panel.

Of course, they have support in Spanish, and you can call them without much trouble. In addition, they have all kinds of domain extensions

Another of the great advantages that Godaddy has, is a large number of offers they offer to buy new domains. For renovations, there are not so many options to save you some money and its renewal price is higher than in other companies.

With the only thing I would be careful, is that once you have started the domain registration, Godaddy will begin to offer you a large number of additional options to add to your purchase (private registration, mail, multiple domain purchase etc …) that you should select carefully, because, in the end, you can find that your shopping cart is bulkier than you originally wanted. Most of those options are not necessary. I would only think carefully if I need private domain registration (hide your personal data on the internet).

I would also make sure that the automatic renewal of the domain is activated, and that Godaddy and that we have included in our profile an operational credit card where you can charge us the renewal, or even pay with PayPal to make things easier and avoid mistakes.

More tips to buy new domains with Godaddy?

Personally, I buy domains for a minimum of 3 years, and then up. The more years we register the domain, the better Google will value us (the business is serious and goes for long) and the cheaper it will come out.

Tips to renew domains and get discounts with Godaddy?

This is the most complicated point with Godaddy. No doubt Godaddy offers the best prices to buy new domains. Unsurpassable But the cost of renewals is somewhat higher than other domain registrars like NameCheap or Gandhi. What can you do to save money with Godaddy?

First, what I have told you before: register with the initial discount as many years as possible (you will save a lot of money, above 20, 30%)

Second: there are usually periods during the year in which Godaddy offers rebates on domain renewals as well as the purchase of new domains. When? I renew my domains at a discount during the days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, so be aware at the end of November of each year of the offers sent by GoDaddy by e-mail.


If you have never bought an online domain to start your website on the internet, the process may be a little intimidating, but it really is very simple. In less than 1 minute you have bought the domain, you register for a hosting service, and then you direct the DNS of your domain to your hosting. And now

The important thing is to choose a good manager of your domains. Do not be guided only by the initial price. Godaddy has the best discount coupons at first but the renovations are more expensive. If your web project is long term, it is best to buy the domain in Namecheap or Gandi.

About the author

Richard Brown

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