Whether you are thinking about writing an eBook, are more than halfway there or have already written an eBook, you will save a lot of your time and hassles by reading our list of 5 great sites where you can publish your eBook for free, curated by experts from casino france.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a free e-publishing site that allows you to publish your eBook without paying a single penny to the publisher.
To upload the eBook to the site, you may have to convert it to Amazon’s proprietary format. The website automatically converts word (Doc), Pdf, Html, and ePub formats to Kindle’s proprietary format, courtesy of casino games real money.
When you publish the eBook, you have the option of making it exclusive to Amazon’s Kindle for a limited period. In this way, your eBook will be included in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library allowing you to earn a certain percentage on sales. You can read more about the KDP Select program here.
Barnes & Noble Press™
Known previously as Nook Press, Barnes & Noble Press™ became a part of the bookseller company’s offering in 2018. The relaunch rebranded the press, making it more approachable for self-publishing authors.
Providing much easier, more fluid, and more simplified user experiences, the B&N Press website has gained popularity quite rapidly. The company covered 3% of eBook sales in the U.S.
If you have a complete manuscript, edited and ready for the world, it will take you less than 72 hours to set up an account and have your book show up in B&N’s online bookstore for readers to see.
The platform is fast and free to use, competing with KDP. If you want to take your self-publishing venture to the next level, the website also offers printing services where customers can order hardcover or paperback versions of your eBook.
Smashwords is one of the pioneers of eBook publishing. It boasts a large selection of published books containing works of more than 40,000 authors. You can also publish your eBook on the site without paying any money.
Using the online resource, you will be able to quickly publish your eBook to a wide variety of online stores in no time.
Publishing your eBook at Smashwords is more of a DIY task. You have to first upload your eBook and a cover image using the ‘Metagrinder’ tool on the site. The online tool will create an eBook in the required format within just a few minutes. And that’s it.
Apple eBook Store
Apple’s iBook store and iTunes U are two free self-publishing platforms that allow you to maximize the exposure of your eBook. You can find out more about self-publishing online platforms by clicking here. Both online stores have different requirements for uploading digital books.
To publish your eBook to the iBooks Store or iTunes U, you have to convert the file to either ePub or iBooks format. You can use the free conversion tools mentioned previously to convert the books. For publishing in iTunes U, the file must be saved as either an ePub file or as a .ibook.
If you want to publish your work as a subscription product through the iBook Store, you should use the iBook format. For maximum exposure of the eBook, however, you should consider uploading the eBook as an ePub, PDF, or text file to have your digital work available for free on other platforms.
You can publish your eBook to the iBook Store for free through iTunes Connect. This requires you to complete an online application. Once you have successfully registered to the site, you can download iTunes producer to sell the eBook on the iBook store. You can make your digital work available at the store for free or set a specific price for the eBook.